The NSR Postsecondary Transitions work team hosted Nashville's very first
Seamless Advising Summit on September 19, 2024!
Seamless Advising Summit on September 19, 2024!
Advising professionals (high school-based, postsecondary, academic, counseling, community-based, and others) who attended created a collaborative environment, focusing on enhancing the effectiveness and equity of student advising across institutions. In addition to participating in learning sessions, attendees also made cross-institutional connections and received information from organizations at the Resource Fair.
See below for more information from the Summit, including agendas, presentation materials, and photos.

Financial Aid at the Postsecondary Level
Jasema Wordlaw, NSCC
Kevin Harrison, TCAT
Becca Smitty, MTSU

Peering Into the Future: Preparing Your Students for Tomorrow's Postsecondary Success
Megan McNeese and George Gutierrez, Persist Nashville

Critical Conversations for Commuter Students
Harold Burdette, GEAR UP MNPS

Maximizing Dual Enrollment
Kevin Edwards, MNPS

Student Development Theory
Bob Obrohta, TN College Access and Success Network

Navigating the Path: Understanding Major-Specific Course Requirements for Effective Student Guidance
Tiffany Fantine and Cassie Piggott, MTSU

Making the Most of Community-Based Organization Partnerships
Morgan Campey, Martha O'Bryan Center
Lee Gray and Jackie Herrera, Oasis Center

From TCAT to Community College: Systemwide Articulation Driving Student Success
Crystal Hunter, TCAT Nashville

Tennessee Financial Aid and Navigating Special Circumstances
Jason Seay, TSAC

Successful Transitions: Guiding Students Through Postsecondary Enrollment
Kim Silverman and Jeremy Calico, NSCC
Kevin Harrison, TCAT Nashville
Preparing Students to Receive Accommodations in Higher Education
Evan Espey, NSCC
Brittany Edmondson, MNPS

Wraparound Student Supports
Lindsay Hager, NSCC