Postsecondary TransitionsÂ
Work Team
Improving the student experience during the transition from high school to postsecondary pursuits
Fostering communication and collaboration across organizations to better serve students
Michelle Arnold | Interim Associate Vice Provost for Student Success, Middle Tennessee State University
 Sanjana Ballal-Link | Director of Partnerships for Postsecondary Readiness, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Wendy Blackmore | Director of Operations, Tennessee College Access and Success Network
Morgan Campey | Senior Director of High School and Post-Secondary Initiatives, Martha O'Bryan Center
Stephanie Coleman | Chief Talent Development Officer, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Megan Cusson-Lark | Executive Director of School Counseling, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Ginger de Martinez | College & Career Readiness Coach, John Overton High School
Brittany Edmondson | Coordinator, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Kevin Edwards | Ready Graduate Analyst, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Tiffany Fantine | Advising Manager, Middle Tennessee State University
Joe Gordon | Coordinator of School Counseling, Metro Nashville Public Schools
JP Gray | Project Director - GEAR UP, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Lindsay Hager | Assistant Director of the Student Success Center, Nashville State Community College
Katie Hazelwood | Program Officer, Scarlett Family Foundation
Laura Herrell | Project Director, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Hill | Executive Director, Persist Nashville
Crystal Hunter | Accreditation and Compliance Coordinator, TCAT Nashville
Elizabeth Jackson| College & Career Readiness Coach, Pearl-Cohn High School
Tristin Johnson-Williams | 12th Grade Counselor, Maplewood High School
Mitchell Marquez | Project Director - GIVE Grants, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Nicole Newman | College & Career Readiness Coach, Whites Creek High School
Michela Ragland | College & Career Readiness Coach, Maplewood High School
Kim Silverman | Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, Nashville State Community College
Sonya Smith | Director of BRIDGE to Success, Meharry Medical College
Kati Stafford-Murphy | Student Success Advisor, Nashville State Community College - North Davidson campus
Outcome 1: Transitions from high school to post-secondary are strengthened to better serve students.
1.1: Develop a suite of resources to collect and disseminate details on programs, scholarships, and college information to students, families, advisors, and community partners.
1.2: Work with Pathway Mapping team to test and distribute pathway map visuals.
1.3: Align efforts around exposure and access to career and college pathways, ensuring seamless transitions by leveraging partnerships.
1.4: Ensure students and families have equitable access to and support for academic and career preparation opportunities during the summer.
Outcome 2: Partners collaborate to share best practices around advising.
2.1: Convene advising professionals at all levels of education to foster relationships, collaborate, and problem-solve.
2.2: Test collaborative early advising projects and supports to determine opportunities to continue or scale partner involvement.
2.3: Work with the Data Team to use Momentum Metrics to inform strategy and activities.

Summer Programs 2024